For­est Springs is in Billy Ward’s corner

Until recently, up and com­ing young Glad­stone boxer, Billy Ward, was fight­ing an uphill bat­tle to realise his Olympic dream.

Money was tight and the 18 year old Queens­land and Aus­tralian box­ing champ was spend­ing more time wor­ry­ing about get­ting in finan­cial shape for the Game than actu­ally train­ing. Walker – proud devel­oper of For­est Springs – decided to throw its hat into the ring with a $2,500 contribution.

This timely spon­sor­ship deal cel­e­brates Billy’s remark­able suc­cess at both state and national level, and puts him in good stead to per­form to the best of his abil­ity in the 2012 Lon­don Olympic Games.

I’d like to thank For­est Springs for their gen­er­ous help in spon­sor­ing me. With a bit of luck I can repay their faith in me by win­ning a medal.”

Medal or not, For­est Springs is only too happy to help a local Glad­stone ath­lete and we wish Billy and his coach Mick Daly all the best. We’re sure he’ll give it his best shot.