Gre­vil­lea Neigh­bour­hood breaks ground

Walker has com­menced con­struc­tion of its third stage at For­est Springs. Over 145,000 cubic metres of earth will be moved to cre­ate this new neigh­bour­hood which is sched­uled for com­ple­tion in Feb­ru­ary 2013. The Gre­vil­lea neigh­bour­hood will have 70 res­i­den­tial blocks on offer with sizes rang­ing from 600m² to 890m². Many will have an unob­structed east­erly out­look to the beau­ti­ful Police Creek or to the well land­scaped reserve to the west. This mas­ter­planned neigh­bour­hood will pro­vide walk­ing paths which con­nect through­out the neigh­bour­hood includ­ing the new Wool­worths Kirk­land and the soon to be com­pleted land­scaped park which will pro­vide a won­der­ful play area plus play­ground and shel­ter. The Gre­vil­lea neigh­bour­hood will offer flat blocks with wide frontages and is one of the first estates in Glad­stone to pro­vide high speed broad­band ser­vices to its residents.