A word from the Developer

Four new display homes

We are really proud of what we have achieved and what we have planned for For­est Springs.

The local prop­erty mar­ket has endured some tough times over the past few years but I am firmly of the belief that we have been through the worst of times and the future is bright, par­tic­u­larly those who have already invested in the Glad­stone prop­erty mar­ket as well as those who are in a posi­tion to pur­chase now.

I say this because Glad­stone is the energy cap­i­tal of Aus­tralia and while the prop­erty mar­ket may have slowed from the heady days of recent years there is still much to get excited about. All the indi­ca­tors tell me that Glad­stone is a city in tran­si­tion with a num­ber of major resource projects still on the cards.

Walker Cor­po­ra­tion has invested heav­ily in the Glad­stone region and we believe that it has a strong and resilient econ­omy which is home to a wide vari­ety of refin­ing, chem­i­cal and min­ing indus­tries. This diver­sity along with the city’s major port, con­struc­tion, power and water bod­ies, tourism and its envi­able lifestyle ensures that the local econ­omy is well pro­tected from long peri­ods at the bot­tom of the prop­erty market.

With a diverse range of home sites on offer as well as an exit­ing range of house and land pack­ages, I encour­age buy­ers to come and inspect the For­est Springs neigh­bour­hood first hand to see the excit­ing lifestyle they can cre­ate for themselves.

Click here to view a spe­cial report on Glad­stone from The Australian.

Lang Walker
Exec­u­tive Chair­man
Walker Corporation