Ana­lyst pre­dicts bright future for Glad­stone prop­erty market

Respected prop­erty ana­lyst Matt Gross from The National Prop­erty Research Co recently out­lined a bright long-​term future for Glad­stone with strong pop­u­la­tion growth pre­dicted for the next 20 years.

Glad­stone LGA’s pop­u­la­tion is expected to grow by 77% from 62,986 in 2011 to 111,685 in 2031. This scale of pop­u­la­tion increase would pro­vide demand for an addi­tional 16,452 dwellings for the region within the next 20 years.

Given that very lit­tle addi­tional sup­ply is being planned for Glad­stone, we antic­i­pate that 2014 will be a year of con­sol­i­da­tion and there is an expec­ta­tion that qual­ity land which is close to infra­struc­ture such as shop­ping, schools and leisure activ­i­ties will be in short sup­ply in the near future,” he said.

Mean­while a report from lead­ing prop­erty agent and ana­lyst Simon Press­ley from Prop­er­ty­ol­ogy indi­cated that nickel could be behind the next Glad­stone prop­erty revival.

The Prop­er­ty­ol­ogy report stated that World demand for gas, iron ore, and coal has pre­vi­ously influ­enced prop­erty mar­kets in Aus­tralia, and this could now be repeated through impend­ing demand for nickel.

Nickel plays an impor­tant role in mod­ern life as it is being used in many alloys includ­ing stain­less steel. Increas­ing demand from Asia as well as the growth of battery-​powered cars and portable devices such as smart phones and tablets, all requir­ing bat­ter­ies which require nickel.

Aus­tralian is cur­rently the World’s fourth largest pro­ducer of nickel with 11.4 per cent, behind Rus­sia, Indone­sia and the Philip­pines. How­ever with 24.4 per cent of known reserves, Aus­tralia could even become num­ber one accord­ing to the Prop­er­ty­ol­ogy report.

With a major nickel refin­ery oper­at­ing in Townsville, Min­ing mag­nate Clive Palmer also has a major share in Glad­stone Pacific Nickel Ltd which pro­poses a $3.5 bil­lion nickel and cobalt refin­ery adja­cent to the Port of Glad­stone. Mr Palmer also owns nickel mines in the Marl­bor­ough area north of Gladstone.

For full report Click Here.